Mindset is the difference between success and disillusionment, and nowhere more so than in fitness.
We set off with all the best intentions, on an exercise or diet plan, but unless we have taken the essential first steps of figuring out WHY we want to be doing it and WHAT we want to achieve, then we often find that we flag a little, and end up veering off course, without really knowing what went wrong...
Make sure you review your goals TODAY! And if you don't have any clear goals, then spend a few minutes right now jotting down your first thoughts. What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? We often give ourselves vague goals, but be specific! Give it a timeline - it doesn't matter if you don't quite hit that time, so long as you are heading in the right direction, so don't be afraid to set a really challenging timeframe - if you don't quite get there you will have got a lot further than if you set a less challenging goal, so 'fail forward fast'!
Think of it as a mental / emotional 'warm up', and make sure you review your goals on a daily basis. 'Warming up' in this way will ensure you are reminded of why you are choosing the healthy breakfast, why you are drinking lots of water and why you are excited about your training session. Without focus on these goals, and paying attention to them regularly, it is easy to forget why we're doing it all.
If you do forget, you may start making less good choices and finding that your great habits slip back to not-so-great habits. While it might seem that a little bit here or there won't hurt, it is the accumulation of all the little things that make the difference, and can result in great success or the complete opposite.
Those little things really do matter - watch this video to remind yourself just how much that little extra degree of effort can result in incredible results:
For more inspiring videos, check out Rocky, Randy Pausch, Aimee Mullins and more in my community site (you'll need to enter a few details to log in): http://carolineradway.ning.com/video
And once you're in there, check out the 'One Burning Question' topic in the forum: http://carolineradway.ning.com/forum/topics/your-one-burning-question where I am answering any questions you may have on fitnes, nutrition, wellbeing, whatever! Windsurfing, surfing, snowboarding, yoga, kettlebells too...
And have a browse - there are loads of resources: nutrition guides, healthy recipes, a foam roller manual and more!
Daisy Does Toronto and I Do Squats
Daisy has been having a blast at the park, and walked over to her Aunt's
for a nice night out on Wednesday. We're about to go to the park for her
1st "work...
How to Get Rid of Back Pain for Surfing
Surfer Dean (who follows the Yoga for Surfers DVD series) just emailed me
this: Just got this email from a YFS-er, Dean, who writes: HAY PEGGY hay
the dvds...
Mercury Awards...
For every industry there is an awards ceremony and just as the movie
business has the Oscars the airline catering industry has the only slightly
less gla...
Hey all
Just to let you know I am no longer updating this blog - all new posts will
be at one of the following:
The Last Post
This will be the final post for this blog.
I have switched both of my blogs over to a more professional wordpress blog
that can be viewed here
This blog ...
Top 10 Food Allergens part 3
Here are 2 more food allergens that may be 'hidden' causes of stress,
weight gain, digestive problems or mood swings.
Eggs - This is definitely one of the...
What are YOUR Mid Year Resolutions?
Hello, there! It's time for another contest!
We want to know more about your goals, and more importantly, we want to
know what you are DOING to achieve the...
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