I'm gradually checking things off my list - although some of the more boring 'housekeeping' goals have taken a bit of a backburner to be honest! I set a goal to 'do my accounts' but really I should've set a goal to 'always do my accounts on the last day of the month' as having 100 days to get it done has actually helped me to put it off till nearer the deadline!
That is one of the things I have noticed about having 100 days - there is some law that states that 'a task expands to fit the time allocated to it' that explains why most of us leave things to the last minute, and although I am regularly reading my list (not as much as I should) I find that as there are so many goals it's easy to neglect the boring ones in favour of the fun stuff!
Which aint no bad thing, is it? The Magic Hundred is meant to be about the fun stuff anyway! So last weekend we finally learnt to kitesurf*! It is a classic case of something that has been put off because of silly excuses (it costs too much, we don't have time, they wear stupid shorts over their wetsuits) but that we really should take up - we're windsurfers but windsurfing doesn't get interesting until its about force 6, so we are often sat at the beach feeling a bit miserable in the summer when all the kitesurfers are cruising around in a force 3 and glorious sunshine!
It was the Magic Hundred that got us taking action, and while the financial excuse is still there - we can't really afford to buy the kit - once we've bought it we will just have to cut back on other things for a while...
(*The pic is me on day 1 by the way...)
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