Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Wanna Be Unstoppable?

For those of you on my mailing list you'll know I've just entered Scott Tousignant's Unstoppable Fat Loss Contest.

This is truly unlike any other transformation contest out there - all of which deal with the external. Scott, meanwhile, has created the Unstoppable Mindset approach - providing you with the tools to create internal change that will enable you to take action towards your goals with more inspired clarity and will mean you effortlessly shift from achieving to maintaining results as the habits have been permanently created and part of the fabric of your life.

The mind is so powerful - if you believe you can acheive, but most of us hold lingering self doubts: Can we acheive? Can we maintain that success or will it be a permanent uphill struggle? These thoughts hinder our progress as we subconsciously self-sabotage: a sneaky snack here, a missed workout there, it won't matter?

To enter you simply download the audios (and you get loads of bonuses, such as workouts for a year!) and will recieve more instructions from there. It's currently at a bargain half price and most of the bonuses are only available until midnight tonight, so if you are keen to make the most of the last few weeks of summer then get to Scott's site ASAP - CLICK HERE FOR UNSTOPPABLE FAT LOSS!

I do also know it's a perfect time to be doing something like this - I'm sure you're as inspired as I am by the focus and determination of the Olympic athletes in Bejing! But rather than looking at them as exceptions to the 'average Joe / Jane' rule we should use that inspiration to make positive changes in our own lives - we don't need to be going for gold in China to acheive excellence and continual improvement in our own lives.

Anyway, you can find out more about the challenge through Scott's site: UNSTOPPABLE FAT LOSS TRANSFORMATION CONTEST. I've signed up and looking forward to hearing more about what's going on tomorrow!

If you're interested, the plan I'm following, nutrition and training wise, is one I only discovered over the weekend - Nick Nilsson's Metabolic Surge. It's not for the fainthearted and not something I would recommend for beginners at all as it involves strict manipulation of macronutrients and specific (and intense) training protocols on set days, but I like testing these kinds of things out! Of course I've modified the programme (under Nick's guidance) as I'm using kettlebells and his programme is more gym-based. It promises amazing results so we shall see - I'm committed to it for the next 48 or so days and going to be strict with it so I'll be able to blame the programme if it doesn't work! Will post here with updates every now and then...

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