Tuesday 11 August 2009

Holiday Workout

I just gave a client a bodyweight workout to do on her imminent vacation and thought that I would share it with all of you, it being holiday season and all!

So, if you need something to do at home in between Outdoor Fit for Life Group Training sessions, or if you want to boost energy and vitality while on holiday (or make up for some over-indulgences!) then give this a go....

5 mins dynamic warm up, stretch as necessary.

Bodyweight Squats with hands behind head, prisoner style x 15
Kneeling press ups x 15
Single leg deadlift x 10 each leg
Triceps Dips x 12
Side lunges 15 each side
Dragon lunge walks 10 steps each leg
Dolphin x 12

Perform the circuit 1 - 3 times with minimal rest between exercises and a minute between circuits. You can alteratively super-set the exercises, pairing upper and lower body and repeating that superset 3 times then moving on to the next.

Follow with 10 mins of skipping, 30 s on, 15-30 s off (or try stair running, run up and walk back down). You can also add skipping in between exercises, supersets or circuits to up the cardio intensity throughout the workout.


Windmill x 8 each side
Bird Dog x 8 each side (hold 3 s)
Knee drop x 10 each side
Reverse curls x 15
Side plank 15 - 30 s
Plan 30 - 60 s

Then stretch tight muscle groups...

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