Thursday, 9 July 2009

A Fat Burning Bodyweight Workout to Boost Your Metabolism All Day Long!

OK, a fat burning, EPOC inducing (that means it's gonna raise your metabolism all day long!) and heart pumping bodyweight workout for you:

Warm Up: See Joint Mobility exercises: HERE

A1. 15 Bodyweight Squats - arms by your sides, or raise arms in front as you lower, or hold hands to head, prisoner style.

A2. 15 Push Ups - if you can't do full press ups then do kneeling or even better, elevated - using a bench (or a table if you need it a bit easier) for your hands. Make sure the chest, not the head, comes between the hands so you are engaging the chest muscles properly.

A3. Skipping / Jump Rope 60 seconds.

Repeat the above 3 exercises 3 times, 15-30 s rest (as little as possible) between the exercises and 30 - 60 s between rounds.

B1. Single leg deadlift x 10 each side (see this video of Lauren doing the KB version - do the same just with no KB - touch the floor in front instead)

B2. Dolphin x 12 (clip here - but I would suggest you drop the hips lower at the bottom than she does in this clip)

B3. 10 burpees (my Southampton bootcamp trainees' fave exercise!)

Repeat the above circuit 3 times as for the first circuit!

Finish off with a plank - hold for 30 - 90 s.

Then stretch, shower and hit the rest of your day, basking in your elevated metabolism, knowing you're burning fat all day - yay!

And for more top tips and advice direct from me, post in the forum of my community site:

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