Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Weekday Bodyweight Workout For You!

A bootcamp inspired workout for you all - do it the next chance you can! Great if you are travelling for work, or if you can't get to the gym - no excuses...

Dynamic warm up: Daily Dozen

Leg Complex:

Reverse lunge with knee drive x 10 each leg
Side / lateral lunges x 10 each side
Squats x 10
Skipping / jumping jacks 60 s

Repeat 3 times, 30 - 60 s rest between each circuit.

Upper Body Complex:

Press ups x 10
Dolphin x 10
Band row x 10 (or stick up if you don't have bands)
Skipping / jumping jacks 60 s

Repeat 3 times, 30 - 60 s rest between each circuit.

Core Complex:

Cycle crunches x 20 each side.
Windscreen wipers x 10 each side.
Reverse curls x 10

Repeat circuit 3 times, 30 - 60 s rest between each circuit.

Full body stretch afterwards, focus on tight muscle groups.

If you want a double whammy of endorphins and some extra cortisol lowering and a whole host of other benefits, then follow up with 30 minutes of meditation - I use Holosync and it is accelerating my results and wellbeing no end! I am too wired usually to even consider meditating - I struggle through 5 mins of post-yoga shavasana usually, but this is great as you put on some headphones and just listen and chill, it takes the hard work out of it!

You should also wait an hour before eating, contrary to popular belief, in order to maximise the growth hormone response. So have a shower, meditate, whatever, then have a post-workout shake.

Comments below or in the forum - let me know how you find it and if you have any workout requests then let me know!

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