Saturday 13 September 2008

Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle - My Version Of Tom's Oatmeal Pancakes!

The first ever ebook I bought was the all-time classic Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto.  It was so informative that my Personal Training course taught me nothing new - he'd already taught me everything I needed!  Still a classic today...

So when I was sent a link to this YouTube clip of one of his inner circle members making his infamous 'Oatmeal Pancakes'  (a fat burning yet delicious recipe, perfect for a leisurely weekend breakfast) I thought I'd give it a try.  I actually woke up dreaming about them (sad but true!).

I've played with various pancake recipes in the past, and while Tom's version was nice, I modified it a little, making them somewhat fruitier and creamier!

I simply added a dollop of skimmed quark (you could also use cottage cheese - it's just that I've fallen in love with quark recently - try it blended with vanilla protein powder and serve with berries for a healthy version of cheesecake!) 

I also used frozen blueberries instead of apple (this does make the pancakes bright blue!) and I also blended the mixture in my Magic Bullet.  

I served the pancake with another dollop of quark and a few more berries. 

It even tastes gorgeous raw!  I split the recipe into 2 to make 2 pancakes, but had eaten the mixture before the first one had cooked!

I also preferred the pancake a little underdone - so you get the gooeyness inside the pancake, too.  Adding the creamy quark makes this work really well.

Tom's recipe does say you can add vanilla protein powder, and modify the ingredients according to your calorie and macronutrient requirements.

A really nice treat - but yet it's not really a treat at all!  A nice change from a bowl of porridge, as much as I also love porridge... I love my carb days!

How can you feel remotely deprived when you're having blueberry pancakes for breakfast?  Pity the poor fools eating toast or boring cereal...

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