Monday 29 September 2008

Reboot Your Taste Buds

I spend a lot of my time encouraging clients to adopt 'cleaner' eating habits, cutting out the junk and processed foods and basing their diets on whole foods, as close to their natural state as possible.

This shouldn't be too hard, really, and for me I actually would far sooner have a 'clean' meal than a disgusting pre-made ready meal, even if it is from M&S...  In fact, the smell of supposedly healthy pre-made meals being heated in the microwave is now a massive turn-off to me.

But this is because over time, my taste buds have been trained to appreciate the simpler things.  I used to think 85% cocoa chocolate was too dark, but now if I have chocolate I can handle the 99%! 

We think we have 'tastes' but in fact these are very changeable - did you used to only have coffee with sugar in it? It's pretty easy to wean yourself off it over a couple of weeks, isn't it?

The same goes for foods - many of my clients insist something is horrendous the first time they try, and while I will never force anyone to eat anything they don't like (that is a big part of how I get results with clients - ensuring the changes they make are ones they can see themselves adopting for life) I will always ask them to give it a few more tries before dismissing it out of hand.  Sometimes it can just take a bit of getting used to, other times you'll just need to tweak things a little...

There is a great article from Leigh Peele, the 'Fat Loss Troubleshooter' about how you can actually systematically retrain (or 'reboot') your tastebuds if you find you are really struggling with adopting a cleaner style of eating. You can find the article HERE.

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