Monday 1 September 2008

Get Long and Lean Limbs With Self-Myofascial Release - Not as Scary as it Sounds!

Do you have tight muscles that stretching alone doesn't seem to affect?  

This is a common situation and can be relieved by one of the most unassuming bits of kit on the fitness market - the Foam Roller.
Foam Roller 6"
Literally, as it sounds, a length of foam, like those you play with in swimming pools or like some of the cricketers last week were pretending to bat with while watching from the bench (unlikely you noticed that one...).

You lay the foam on the ground, then lay on top of it, supporting your weight as you roll part of your body over the roller.  It's like your own personal massage therapist - you find 'trigger points' (the bits that hurt, basically) and stay with them until the feeling subsides, meaning the muscle adhesion, or knot, has been eased off.  You then move to another area of the body (or move around to get all areas of a muscle group).

You'll feel some discomfort as you're rolling (if you can't feel anything you need to ensure you're relaxing the muscles enough...) but afterwards you'll feel that sense of lightness and release you get after a great massage!

This is especially good for runners - the iliotibial band (ITB) is connective tissue, not a muscle, and stretching can only lengthen muscles.  Self-Myofascial Release actually means it releases the fascia of the muscles - that is the connective tissue.  So if you are a runner and getting 'runners knee' or hip pain, you should definitely be rollin'!

It is also great for calves - most people have shortened calf muscles and stretch all you like, if the fascia are not addressed you will not lengthen the muscles significantly through stretching alone.

This is used in the athletic world a lot, but has yet to filter into regular fitness usage.  You can use the roller before your workout, to address muscle tightness in the short term to ensure you're movement patterns are 100% when you work out, or you can use the roller on recovery days, so you are well primed for your next workout. 

There's a great article with descriptions and pics of all the methods of applying the roller HERE

You can get the rollers for about £15 at most online fitness stores.  I get mine from Fitness Mad (click the picture): 
Foam Roller 6"

I must admit, I really don't use mine as much as I should, but it is so easy to use - you can roll away (not literally, unless you live on a big hill and don't hold on...) while watching TV of an evening, all you need is 5-10 mins every few days

You will feel the benefits of one session straight away, and with regular application you will notice a longer lasting effect. 

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